Charlottes’ Guide to Holidays in the City

Hello My Little Celebutauntes,

So, I know I have been MIA for a while and the truth is…..

I have missed you all so much.

It has been so hectic at school lately, with finals and registration. But, I am back now and will be blogging the whole holiday about my favorite things and trick I learned from the city.

This post is a guide to holiday living in the city.

Charlottes’ Guide to Holidays in the City

1. ALWAYS have a cute winter coat

      I cannot stress this enough. No matter what season or what the weather is, the city can change temperature EXTREMELY fast. In October, it changed from 60 degrees to 20 degrees in two days and half of my friends did not have a jacket because they thought they wouldn’t need one until Thanksgiving break. Luckily, I always carry this cute Green Lined Anorak with me on any trip.


2. Workout AT LEAST 3 times a week

      People pack on at least 5 pounds during the holiday season so, to keep that from happening and to slay every single heart at that Christmas party your having, work out. I usually end up doing 30-60 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of toning and strengthening. I will be posting my full work out plan later this week. BONUS: While shredding those extra pounds, you will also keep your skin looking glowy and maybe meet some cute gym guys (oh, hello, Mr. Hot Guy. Can you spot me while I lift my 15 pounds?)


3. Eat healthily (until Christmas Day)

       I know how hard it is to eat healthily during the holidays, especially when your mother is making baked goods all day and the house smells like the FREAKIN Empire Cake shop. (BTW, that is my FAVORITE place to get cupcakes when I’m having an unhealthy day). To entice yourself to eat healthily, make Christmas your break day. That is the day you get to eat anything you want and however much you want. It’s a nice reward for eating healthy all month long plus, if you feel guilty, just do a juice cleanse right after. I always do a 1-3 day cleanse from Blueprint Cleanse after the holidays.

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4. ALWAYS, and I mean always, do your holiday shopping at least A WEEK before Christmas.

     There have been times where I have either forgotten a gift for someone or just haven’t had time to do my shopping. If you wait until 4 days before Christmas. you’re going to have to either pay $50 for shipping, which is RIDICULOUS, or tell the gift receiver that their gift will be late, exposing you as a late shopper. Just save yourself the trouble and buy your presents early. And, if you’re thinking “Oh, I shop in stores so I can get gifts anytime” WRONG!! The four days before Christmas are the busiest shopping days, next to black friday. You will never get the right gift if you wait.


(Also, spend the extra $3-$5 for gift wrapping, that way it doesn’t look terrible)

5. Get some pretty, scented candles

        So, this one is really necessary. Even the nicest homes are incomplete without candles. They tie everything together, add that extra warmth, and add a pretty touch to your home. I know my sister has TONS of candles. I don’t have any because my dorm won’t allow candles but, I do have some at home and they are to die for. My favorite places to shop for candles are Bath and Body Works and Anthropologie.


6. And Last, but not least, have a warm, fluffy blanket

    This is, by far, one of the most important requirements for winter anywhere, not just in the city. A cute, warm, fluffy blanket is a necessity. Not the old quilt your grandmother made you. While nice and warm, this blanket will not be the eye of the beholder who enters your room. You want to be able to use your blanket when people are around, not hide it because you don’t want them to see it. You want it to say, “Look at my awesome, couture blanket….yes, I even sleep in beautiful things”. My favorite blanket is by Nicole Miller and it is the best blanket EVER!!!!!!


So, that is it for my Holidays in the City Guide. I will be posting my workout, diet, beauty guide, fashion guide, and dorm decor guide soon. I will also be posting the Gift List of what gifts I receive and my New Years post.

The Celebutante Page and The Three F’s Page are up and continuing to run.

I will be updating ASAP.

Loved Always,

