The Fashionista (Intern?)

Hello My Lovely Celebutantes, I know it seems like I apologize every single post, but I am sorry that I have not been the most frequent with posting. I am trying to get back into it and I will be posting every 1-2 weeks. I hope you like this post. I am starting work with my mother and I’ve decided to share that journey with you. You will also be meeting my best friends and my sister.


Ethereal Fashions (Corporate)

9:00 AM

Charlotte Winters smiled radiantly as she strutted into Ethereal Fashions. As she walked passed on of the many mirrored walls, she checked her reflection. Her mother had told her to go casual chic so she put on her favorite grey sweater, classy black jeans, and some ah-mazing red pumps to spice things up. It was the ultimate casual-chic outfit to spend all day planning and buying fashions for her mothers fashion company.


Speaking of her mother’s fashion company, here is a little back story. Her mother, Sicily Etherton-Winters was the number one supermodel in America then decided she wanted to do something more fulfilling with her life, other than being ABSOLUTELY gorgeous. She decided to start her own fashion company that mirrored her supermodel style. The line is part casual, part designer chic. Her mother had decided to hire Charlotte for the summer. Charlotte had no idea what she would be doing but it would be, no doubt, something fabulous.

12:00 PM

So not as fabulous as Charlotte had thought….She was placed in a room with several other desks with several other (sorta) well dressed girls sitting at those desks. They were all working on the same account transfers for the company. Charlotte still could not figure out why she was here. The man walking around kept telling all the girls that if they wanted to get anywhere in the fashion industry, they have to work from the bottom up. This made no sense to Charlotte because she was already at the top. Suddenly, her mother burst into the room, bustling with papers flying everywhere. She kept asking the man, whose name was later identified as Charles, if the accounts were finished yet. Charlotte’s mothers’ eyes dated around the room and landed on Charlotte. She let out a slightly loud laugh. She asked Charles why her fabulous daughter was sitting in this room with random interns. Charles’s face turned white and he apologized profusely. He said he had mistaken her for an intern ( yeah…okay….just take a look at her compared to all the other interns). Her mother asked Charlotte to follow her to her own office.

2:00 PM


Charlotte’s mother led her into a pristine white office. The desk was shiny, smooth, white wood. The shelving on the wall had fashion inspiration pieces all over it; from Coco Chanel’s biography to Karl Lagerfeild’s Fashion Book. Best of all, the back wall was a giant mood board; decorated with paris inspired designs and the latest fashion show pics. This office was clearly tailored by her mother for Charlotte. Her mother explained that Charlotte would be working as merchandising and design intern under her supervision. She wanted to make sure her daughter was treated like the Alpha she is, and not like some random intern. She would arrive at 9:00 AM everyday and leave at 5:00 PM but today she would leave at 3:00 PM.

3:00 PM

Charlotte exited Ethereal Fashions and stepped into the luxury SUV waiting for her. Even though she had not done much that day, she was still quite tired from the confusion this day has held. She was ready to get home and collapse into her silk-filled bed before tomorrow’s long day at Ethereal Fashions.


I hope you all liked this post. As I said, I will be posting every 1-2 weeks. My Society page will be up by next week. The Little Lovelies will be starting up again. First one to comment and first one to like this post gets an advertisement at the end of my next post. 

Loved Always,



Charlotte is Back

Hello My Lovely Celebutantes,


I have missed you all so much! I know I haven’t posted in a while. I have just been so busy with school lately.

If any of you are in college, you know how hard it is to make next semesters’ schedule. I have gone through almost three schedules so far. I register for my classes today and hopefully none of my classes fill up before Ic an register for them. Does anyone else hate when right before you about to register for a class, that last spot gets taken? So annoying!

Anyway, enough about that. I will be posting more often now. My freshman year is almost over (YAY!) and I am free most of the summer. Of course, I will be working with my mother’s fashion company over the summer with the buying team (So excited!), which will take up some of my time. I am also going on vacation with the fam. We are going to California and New Orleans this year! So excited to get out of New York. Don’t get me wrong, NYC is fantastic! However, it has been very cold and I am so excited to get somewhere warm. I am also excited to get to see some cultural places. I am big on music and style of other places. I have gotten so into boho fashion lately, it is ridiculous! By the end of this month, my closet will be filled with flowy, lace, white tops and dresses. Also, flash forward to next April, I might be blogging to you live from Coachella 2016 so stay tuned for information about that.

I will start posting more plot posts and stories soon.

My ratings page and celebutante pages are up to date and running, so if you want to be on those, comment on the page.

That is all I have for you right now, my lovelies!

Until next time,



My Xmas Gift Haul

Hello My lovely Celebutantes,

I said I would reveal my gift haul from christmas and I don’t mean to brag, but I got some effing awesome gifts


Some of the gifts will have pictures and some will not because I don’t think they all need pictures to explain them.

Charlotte’s Xmas Gift Haul 2014

1. My first, and probably best, present was a pair of UGG boots, but not the stereotypical, knee high black or tan ones. No, Mine are a mix of a sweater UGG and a stereotypical tan one. They are the warmest boots ever and they go with almost everything. I say almost because there are some sweaters that these UGGs will just not mesh with. Any way, here is a picture to further explain the awesomeness of my boots.


(FYI, just figured out they could be rolled up from the ankle version. YESSS)

2. My second gift was a gift from my sister. It’s a noise machine and it’s fantastic! If any of you live in New York, you know that it’s crazy noisy all of the time. multiply that with the constant noise of drunk party goers and loud college students, and you’ve got a very angry, tired Charlotte. Let me tell you, tired Charlotte is not to be messed with (and plus if I don’t get at least 6 hours of beauty sleep, i get these nasty underage circles that I have to use tons of makeup to cover and that’s just not fun. My noise machine is also sleek, white, and beautiful. It plays several noises, including white noise, campfire, and (my favorite) Ocean Waves.


3. I got a Lilly Pulitzer IPhone 5 case. It’s pink with cute little flowers on it. It’s totally my personality and one of the best gifts I got. It’s not some flimsy type of plastic phone case either. Nope, it’s made of hardcore stuff, like a Speck case is.


4. I also got a lot of bath stuff and lotions. I got some bath bombs (if you don’t know what these are, go to lush and ask a salesperson). They are awesome little fizzy balls that contain ingredients that will make your skin all pretty and glory while you relax in the tub. I also got a bunch of lotions from Bath and Body Works. I got two Sea Island Cotton scented lotions (AKA my favorite scent), and I got a peppermint swirl and Pumpkin.

5. I have been OBSESSED with being healthy recently so, I bought this book for myself as a christmas present, along with a gym membership while I am home from college given to me by my parents. The book is called The Skinny Confidential. It is written by Lauryn Evarts. If you don’t know who that is, she is a lifestyle and fitness blogger. She created and writes one of my favorite blogs of all time, The Skinny ConfidentialAnyway, the book is all of her tips and tricks on everything from hair to fitness. It’s a really awesome book and you should visit her website in the link above.


(I really do love this book and the blog. Her tips helped me restore my colored hair to BEAUTIFUL)

6. I got some clothes (as always). I got a Victoria’s Secret Sports Bra. It is very pretty with flowers all over it. It is perfect for working out in because it has a lot of support, plus it’s not ugly like some sports bras are. It really makes you want to work out just so people can see the pretty straps peeks out of your shirt. I also got an American Eagle Lined Jacket. It’s the most comfortable jacket I own. Plus, it is perfect to wear to the gym on cold days. It goes perfectly with black leggings, Reebok tennis shoes, and a bun in your hair.

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I did get some other gifts, but these are the most notable and, if listed all of my gifts, there would be about 40+ more gifts on this list. That would take forever to type and for you to read.


Thank you all so much for reading my blog. I will be posting my next post soon.

I sincerely apologize for not updating some of my pages. I am trying to get back on task with the rating page and the celebutante page. I promise that they will be up to date ASAP. I apologize to those who have not received their ratings yet.

I also would like to thank you all for the huge response i got to the last post. It really is a serious issue, one that I have personally suffered with.

Thank you all for supporting me in my blogging.

I thank all of my followers, viewers, likes, and commenters.

Until next time,



2015 is The Love Yourself Year

Hello My little Celebutantes!

First of all, I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year and Holidays!


This post is going to be a little different from my other posts. I want to address a serious issue.

I know a lot of you girls and guys out there read these blogs and take the advice very seriously. I do the same thing. I also know that some of us look at pictures on the internet and on these blogs and strive to be just like the characters in every way. Many girls today have body issues because of this. We all think that we have to look like these perfect celebrities and perfect (Fictional!!!) characters. Some of us hide behind our blog face claim because we believe that if people saw the real us, that they would no longer like us or read our blog. I am in that crowd who believes that I am not perfect. In fact, I know i’m not perfect and I find comfort in blogging anonymously so I can get objective views from people. That being said, I would still like to state that we all should not be trying to become these characters. We all are our own unique person and that is fantastic! Think, if we all looked like beautiful models, no one would be pretty anymore, everyone would just be boring and the same. I have struggled with accepting myself through the last few years. Yes, I had some body issues. Yes, they were a big part of my life. But do I let them control me now? NOOOOOOO WAYYYYYY! I am not saying that it is not okay to have body issues. I know how hard they can be and I know that someone telling you that you shouldn’t have these thoughts and that the feelings you are feeling are stupid. No, You have a right to feel what you want to feel. A little bit of self consciousness is okay but, make sure you surround yourself with people who love you (the real you). It was a long journey for me to get to the level of confidence I have now. I am way more confident and way more accepting of myself but, it does take a while to get there and everyone goes at their own pace. I hope you all love yourself because all of the bloggers I know on here are beautiful people. You all are extremely talented writers. Think about that when you feel self conscious. Think about those people (even if it’s only one) who view, like, and comment on your blog everyday. Just thinking about that can really boost your self confidence.

I just really needed to say all of that to you guys.

If any of you needs to vent to anyone or just talk to someone, my email is on my contact page and so is my AIM. Don’t Hesitate.

Until next time.



By The Way: None of the stuff I say on my blog is a demand for you to do. If I say you should workout or diet, DO NOT do that just because I say so. I workout 3-4 times er week because it makes me feel good and I am just saying stuff that works for me. Work out (or don’t) when you feel like working out and if you feel like eating a cupcake (or a whole cake , like me sometimes) then eat it. Do what makes you feel good and what makes you feel happy. I love you all.

Charlottes’ Guide to Holidays in the City

Hello My Little Celebutauntes,

So, I know I have been MIA for a while and the truth is…..

I have missed you all so much.

It has been so hectic at school lately, with finals and registration. But, I am back now and will be blogging the whole holiday about my favorite things and trick I learned from the city.

This post is a guide to holiday living in the city.

Charlottes’ Guide to Holidays in the City

1. ALWAYS have a cute winter coat

      I cannot stress this enough. No matter what season or what the weather is, the city can change temperature EXTREMELY fast. In October, it changed from 60 degrees to 20 degrees in two days and half of my friends did not have a jacket because they thought they wouldn’t need one until Thanksgiving break. Luckily, I always carry this cute Green Lined Anorak with me on any trip.


2. Workout AT LEAST 3 times a week

      People pack on at least 5 pounds during the holiday season so, to keep that from happening and to slay every single heart at that Christmas party your having, work out. I usually end up doing 30-60 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of toning and strengthening. I will be posting my full work out plan later this week. BONUS: While shredding those extra pounds, you will also keep your skin looking glowy and maybe meet some cute gym guys (oh, hello, Mr. Hot Guy. Can you spot me while I lift my 15 pounds?)


3. Eat healthily (until Christmas Day)

       I know how hard it is to eat healthily during the holidays, especially when your mother is making baked goods all day and the house smells like the FREAKIN Empire Cake shop. (BTW, that is my FAVORITE place to get cupcakes when I’m having an unhealthy day). To entice yourself to eat healthily, make Christmas your break day. That is the day you get to eat anything you want and however much you want. It’s a nice reward for eating healthy all month long plus, if you feel guilty, just do a juice cleanse right after. I always do a 1-3 day cleanse from Blueprint Cleanse after the holidays.

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4. ALWAYS, and I mean always, do your holiday shopping at least A WEEK before Christmas.

     There have been times where I have either forgotten a gift for someone or just haven’t had time to do my shopping. If you wait until 4 days before Christmas. you’re going to have to either pay $50 for shipping, which is RIDICULOUS, or tell the gift receiver that their gift will be late, exposing you as a late shopper. Just save yourself the trouble and buy your presents early. And, if you’re thinking “Oh, I shop in stores so I can get gifts anytime” WRONG!! The four days before Christmas are the busiest shopping days, next to black friday. You will never get the right gift if you wait.


(Also, spend the extra $3-$5 for gift wrapping, that way it doesn’t look terrible)

5. Get some pretty, scented candles

        So, this one is really necessary. Even the nicest homes are incomplete without candles. They tie everything together, add that extra warmth, and add a pretty touch to your home. I know my sister has TONS of candles. I don’t have any because my dorm won’t allow candles but, I do have some at home and they are to die for. My favorite places to shop for candles are Bath and Body Works and Anthropologie.


6. And Last, but not least, have a warm, fluffy blanket

    This is, by far, one of the most important requirements for winter anywhere, not just in the city. A cute, warm, fluffy blanket is a necessity. Not the old quilt your grandmother made you. While nice and warm, this blanket will not be the eye of the beholder who enters your room. You want to be able to use your blanket when people are around, not hide it because you don’t want them to see it. You want it to say, “Look at my awesome, couture blanket….yes, I even sleep in beautiful things”. My favorite blanket is by Nicole Miller and it is the best blanket EVER!!!!!!


So, that is it for my Holidays in the City Guide. I will be posting my workout, diet, beauty guide, fashion guide, and dorm decor guide soon. I will also be posting the Gift List of what gifts I receive and my New Years post.

The Celebutante Page and The Three F’s Page are up and continuing to run.

I will be updating ASAP.

Loved Always,



Welcome Week Recap: Day One


August 25, 2014

Winter’s Estate

7:05 AM

Charlotte Winters awoke from her Kumikoon silk sheets with a tired, but polite, yawn. She looked at the clock on her dresser and almost fell out of her bed. Why hadn’t her mother waken her. She only had an hour to get ready before leaving for Columbia. A few months back, lets say around March, Charlotte Kennedy Winters had received her acceptance and scholarship packet from Columbia University. She had applied early decision, just like her father had and was very excited when she received that packet. She knew she would get in, of course, because her father had gone there and was a reputable alumni. She was a legacy and we all know how important legacy is to the Ivy Leagues. Charlotte did have her own claim to the Winters name , though. She had been a top international model since she was twelve years old and had modeled in more designer fashion shows than she can count. When she turned 18, she decided that she was going to take time off from modeling and go to school. Of course, columbia had been the only choice and now it was time for welcome week. Charlotte put her outfit, which she had picked out two nights ago, on and did her makeup in her light up vanity. She put her white, Marc Jacobs kitten heels on and ran down the stairs. Her mother and father were both waiting at the door next to her Louis Vuitton suitcases. They had their driver and maid load the luggage into the black SUV and they were off.

Columbia University

8:30 AM

When the driver arrived at the university, Charlotte jumped out of the car and walk-ran to the check in table. She did not like being late and refused to be late on her first day at Columbia. She stated her name and she could see the faces of the admissions team light up. They knew who she was. A woman with bright blonde hair and the fakest blue eyes Charlotte had ever seen in her life handed her her welcome packet and her roommate assignment. Of course, Charlotte already knew her roommate. Her name was Ambrosia Williams, best friend since birth and Computer Information Systems major. I know, dorky sounding right? Well, even though Ambrosia is smart and a little dorky, she is the most beautiful and contradictory nerd anyone had ever seen. Nerd=stringy hair, glasses, pale skin, and pimples right? WRONG! Ambrosia was tan, curtesy of her mothers Filipino heritage, long brow hair, and a fashion sense that would make Kate Spade drop her entire line just to pick up whatever this girl was wearing. Charlotte knew Ambrosia had gotten here early to start decorating the dorm. She and her parents made their way up to the dorm.

9:00 AM

Charlotte entered dorm number 220 and instantly fell in love. Ambrosia, though not present, had already moved all the furniture so the room was totally zen, put sheer, sparkly wall decals on one wall near Charlotte’s bed, and put two Kate Spade planners on the desks, Black and white for Ambrosia and white and gold for Charlotte. she knew her so well. Charlotte and her parents had already sent someone to put both the girls bedding on and all that was left to do was say goodbye.


It was a sad goodbye, but Charlotte was ready to be on her own. She walked her parents out to the car and waved goodbye as the car pulled away.

10:30 AM

Charlotte walked back up to the dorm and was greeted with a warm hug by Ambrosia. They had to be at welcome orientation at two, so they had some time to catch up. They talked about the vacations they had taken. Ambrosia had gone to Spain and Italy with her brother. Charlotte had gone to France and Russia to visit her grandparents. They talked about the boys that they had seen already and plans for the next few nights (fraternity parties were already starting and they had been invited to three). They both also planned on rushing for Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, which both of their mothers had been members of. They talked and talked until 1:30 PM and then they headed out to welcome orientation.

2:00 PM

Charlotte and Ambrosia arrived at the welcome orientation and were instantly swarmed by clubs and academic officials. Clearly, people knew what they looked like and knew who they were. After they finished talking to some representatives, they found their seats and waited for the dean to start the speech. It was the usual mumbo-jumbo about ow we are so happy that you chose Columbia, this will be a great year, and academic policy is important. Charlotte was way to busy thinking about her future at this place to listen to this boring speech. The speech finally ended and they were dismissed to go to the club fair. Charlotte already knew which club she was joining, Since she was a fashion merchandising major, she joined fashion club. Of course they were clad to have her, considering she offered to host some of their events at her mothers stores. Ambrosia joined the business for rising entrepreneurs club. After they were both done joining club, they headed to dinner and then back to their room.

7:00 PM

After a long day, Charlotte and Ambrosia compared their schedules and decided to FaceTime Deseri. Deseri LaBelle was their other best friend. She went to Parsons School of Design because she wanted to be a fashion designer. They were planning on meeting her this weekend but, they couldn’t wait to see her. She talked about her classes, boys she saw, people she met, and her awesome roommate. It was now ten o’clock at night and Deseri said she had to go to bed. Charlotte and Ambrosia both decided that they would watch their favorite movie, The Other Woman, and go to bed right after. After all, they had a big day tomorrow.


Hello, My little socialites,

I hope you enjoyed my first official post. I know it had ben a long time but, I have been very busy with school. I just wanted to say a few things before I go.

1. I will be starting something called The Little Lovelies, which is my way of saying that whoever comments, likes, and follows first, gets a shoutout in the next post.

2. Remember, all of my pages are up and running, including the Celebutante page and the Three F’s Page. Links will be posted below and you can also locate them on my table of contents.

3. More pages are coming soon.

4. I will be posting once or twice a week. I love this blog and my followers very much but, I am very busy with school and extracurriculars.

5. Here are the links to the pages


The Three F’s-

Thank You all and stay tuned for more updates, pages, makeovers, and posts.

Loved always,




The Heiress Herself

Hello, My little Socialites,

This is going to be a short introduction post with some previews of upcoming pages and posts. My name, as you all know, is Charlotte Kennedy Winters. I come from Brandon Winters and Sicily Etherton-Winters. My father, Brandon Winters, is the owner and manager of Winters Law, the law firm that handles cases from Lindsey Lohan’s DUI to Orlando Bloom’s case against the alleged Bling Ring. My brother, Jordan, is on the fast track at Harvard to becoming daddy’s new partner. My sister, on the other hand, is a young, stunning, model. At 15 years old, she has already been on four Teen Vogue covers, three Seventeen covers, and one Vogue, not to mention the numerous ad campaigns and shows she has participated in. She is taking after my mother, Sicily Etherton-Winters. My mother was the number one supermodel in America for five years running. After she got tired of modeling, she started her own modeling agency, Ethertons. She also has her own line of make-up and skincare products. If you think that is impressive, wait until you hear about me (if you already haven’t). I am Charlotte Kennedy Winters, the middle child of the Etherton-Winters family. Whoever said middle children are the left out ones obviously has never met me. I was the top international teen model from when I was 13 until I was 17. I had more magazine covers, fashion shows, and ad campaigns than I could count on my french-manicured fingers and toes. Now, we get to the present day. I have taken a break from modeling and am starting my freshman year at Columbia University. Yes, you heard that right, I am a beautiful, smart, model. I am majoring in Fashion Merchandising so I can take over my mother’s companies when I am ready. I am the heiress to the Etherton-Winters franchise. I have three people who are in my exclusive group. We are called The Society. My sister, Violet Winters, is my second in command. She is the one I trust with everything. Ambrosia Williams and Deseri LaBelle, my best friends, are the only others who are in The Society. We stand as the elite.


So, that was a quick little introduction to my story. A biography, family, Society page will be out soon.

I am also starting a The Bookclub for Socialites. This will be a monthly (or however long it takes) thing. I will choose a book or take suggestions and I, along with anyone who wants to join, will read that book. I will post a reading schedule and there will be select times in the month where I will have live conversations about the book so far. They will either be on AIM or on another website, which I have not decided yet. The book for this month is………. White Girl Problems By Babe Walker. I will see how this goes. I really hope you guys join. Things will be listed on the bookclub page (coming soon).

My other pages, like my schedule, post and page schedule, ect. will be up soon.

Lastly, My Society page will be up soon and I will be looking for a Violet Winters, Ambrosia Williams, and Deseri LaBelle. Short Bios will be posted on the Society page, along with application questions.

Alright, that will be all for now. Until next time, my little socialites.
